More Than One Year

Did you ever think the pandemic would last more than a year? I didn’t.

One year, four weeks, and four days (as of March 16, 2021) since we have been together physically as a full body. What things do you remember about the early days of the pandemic? What changes have happened in your life since that day? Think about all the life you have lived in the days that have made up the one year, four weeks, and four days. For me, it feels like I lived 2-3 years in that one year because so many things have shifted and changed!

One memory I have of the early days of COVID, I was called two or three times to be sure I didn’t need anything from the grocery store. I remember one time The Bests had extra groceries and brought some over to me. I loved the cheese and sweet potatoes.

Over time, I heard less from others because we all had our hands full coping with the soup of COVID. I understand. People heard less from me. Things shift and we shift. I learned to recognize when I needed to interact with people and ask for visits. I also moved during COVID and was amazed at everyone’s kindness and generosity to help me in that hard move. People also loved me so well after my Mom died (not COVID related, just old age).

What I think about now is how silent I have become. I am content in silence in my home, but I also am more quiet with people. I have other friends who are pondering and preparing for the adjustments that will be needed when we are able to be physically present in the same space as others.

I want to ask you, what things changed for you? How do you feel about becoming a physically present community when it is safe to do so? Do you think it will be easy to adjust? I bring these things up because we have all experienced change. I think it is wisdom to recognize that we may need to be easy with grace and generous with mercy as we reclaim our belonging together in this pendulum life.


Source: MoreThanOneYear