Reflections on Gathering

As we live on the cusp of living and breathing with feelings of life and togetherness, I think about what it means to return to community. Some of us hunkered down and worked our way through this pandemic and others of us tried to maintain community through computers. We have all had mixtures of these choices and I have questions.

Do you find yourself feeling unsure of how to engage in groups when the time comes? Have you found yourself feeling more comfortable with solitude or a specific set of friends only? How will we engage community together when the time comes?

I think about how my interactions and my solitude have formed me. I find that I am quieter and more thoughtful about whether I engage. I fear that I have become even more secluded in my thoughts.

I only bring this up to the surface as Easter was like a breath of fresh air to have so many people together in person. It felt like life and hope personified. And I loved every minute of our time together. Each movement from liturgy to song to sermon to communion provided a path to communal experience...the Remingtons sitting under the trees by the fence, Marcus running after Thor, Mariah’s and Josh’s vocals, the bubble machine, the Grishams sitting together center right, the sun shine and breeze blowing, Jamin’s preaching literally throwing down pages, the Easter egg hunt...what a gift to us and so much more!

I fear we may underestimate how intentional we will need to be, then I think about Easter Sunday and I feel encouraged. We are a church that tries to love in tangible ways and often succeeds. Perhaps, we will fall right into being a place to belong. My thoughts? Yes, and be easy with it.

It was a gift to see all of you and am grateful for those who attended via Facebook. You are loved, valued, and physically missed. Glad for a chance to wave to you during the passing of the peace! 

Love to you Christ City Church!
